How You Could Be Wrong About Termites In College Station

termites on a log

Unless you’re a pest control expert, there are plenty of things you might not understand about the pests that could invade your home in College Station. Usually, this lack of knowledge isn’t going to be a very serious problem, but a termite infestation is a different story. If you don’t understand certain facts about termites, it could cost you thousands of dollars. 

There are many misconceptions surrounding termites that could end up causing your property to be exposed to expensive damage. Keeping this in mind, let’s debunk some of the most common myths regarding the common College Station termites.

Myth: Termites Serve No Purpose

Even though many people think termites are simply a destructive force that invades their homes, termites actually serve a crucial purpose in nature. Feeding on rotten and decaying wood, such as fallen trees, termites initiate many of the most important processes of returning nutrients to the soil.

Myth: Termites Are Part Of The Ant Family

Termites are actually a member of their own, separate family. However, many people think they’re members of the ant family because they do look a little bit like “white ants.”

Myth: “If I Have A Lot Of Mulch Or Decaying Wood Nearby, Termites Will Leave My Home Alone."

If you agree with this line of thinking, then you’re dangerously mistaken. While worker termites will feed on the decaying wood near your house, other termites will search for the next food source. If they’re already close to your house, then it could turn into their next victim very quickly.

Myth: Termite Infestations Are Easy To Detect

The opposite of this statement is true. Termites don’t cause thousands of dollars’ worth of damage overnight. It actually takes them 18 to 24 months to do significant damage (typically in the $3,000 range) to a home. However, this is a very common occurrence because termite infestations are nearly impossible to detect and can sometimes last years before the homeowners realize how bad the problem is. The only way to detect termite infestations is by noticing the following signs of infestation:

  • Mud tubes (with subterranean termites)
  • Frass (with drywood termites)
  • Visible damage to exposed wood
  • Tightening around door and window frames
  • Clicking noises within the walls

Myth: Termites Can Eat Through Concrete

Termites only feed on wood, but the concrete areas of your basement could be one surface they’ll crawl on. When they enter your home from ground level, you may notice mud tubes trailing along the basement walls, stemming from the seams.

Myth: If A House Has Been Treated For Termites Once, You Never Have To Worry About Termites Again

One treatment will not solve your termite problems forever. Continued termite prevention requires yearly inspections and possibly additional treatments from professional pest technicians.

Myth: You Can Get Rid Of Termites On Your Own

This is another dangerous misconception. If you trust the Internet to give you “foolproof home remedies” for eradicating a termite infestation, you probably won’t make much of a dent in the colony at all. Plus, homeowners who waste their money on store-bought sprays or traps will only address a small fraction of the infestation, leading to prolonged infestations and more costly damage.

While there are plenty of myths surrounding termites, one thing is certain. The only guaranteed prevention and eradication measures come from professional pest technicians. Instead of wasting your time and money on home remedies, go with the guaranteed solution. Contact the professionals at D. Lee Pest Services at the first sign of termite problems.